We are
Some people bring passion, dedication and inspiration. Some others provide care, respect and support. When they get together, great things happen.
Great Agilists love what they do for one reason: it creates the environment in which people can be happier at work, become more creative, and make a stronger impact on their products, teams, organizations and customers.
Most of what great Agilists know was learned through others’ experiences: exceptional mentors, outstanding events, remarkable papers/readings and meaningful connections. Unfortunately, most people do not have access to all of these experiences.
This is a hard time for everyone around the world: a pandemic, political tensions, streams of misinformation from the media, unregulated content on the Internet and misleading advertising posted everywhere.
How can we make a positive impact on these issues? How can we play an active role in the recovery from the current global crisis? How can we spread the word of Agile, especially to those who might not have the opportunity to hear about it?
We are confident that agile-thoughts can provide answers!

We believe that...
- Agile is a way of working, a culture, a habit, a mindset
- Frameworks are just the means to get started
- Continuous learning is important -from a diverse community
- We learn best when we share experiences with others
- The simplicity of Agile makes life easier and more productive
- A community is a space to raise one’s hand and grow together
- The Agile ecosystem grows and evolves around the world
- Embracing Agile produces magic -it really changes stuff
- Agile is an art, not a science -there is not a right way to do it
if you believe what we believe, you will love agile-thoughts

We are...
A place to gather deep thinkers
and modern Agile leaders
A group of framework agnostics
who honor the purity and power of Agile
A stream of inspiring stories of innovation
and transformation from around the world
A community with a growing ecosystem
of events and opportunities
A place where Agile concepts are incubated
and Agile ideas flourish
The Engine

Ricardo Abella

Bob Korzeniewski

Stephen Terrillion

Carlos Contreras

Angie Doyle

Paul Boos

Fabian Altahona